+39 0331 466918 shsbox@shsitalia.it

Certifications – SHS Italia

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Bureau Veritas

With 80,000 customers in more than 100 countries and over 100,000 certificates issued, Bureau Veritas Certification is one of the world’s leading certification bodies. Relying on a network of 5,700 highly qualified auditors and a competence recognized by 35 national and international accreditation bodies, Bureau Veritas Certification offers a wide range of certification and audit services in front of international or customer’s own standards, in the sectors of Quality , Health & Safety, Environment, and Social Responsibility (QHSE-SR). Bureau Veritas Certification is the independent certification body of the Bureau Veritas Group.

35 years of innovation,
technology, passion.

SHS Italia

Bureau Veritas

ISO 9001 Certification

Our company has been ISO 9001 certified by Bureau Veritas Certification in 2015. In fact every activity, application and monitoring of activities and processes is aimed at determining the maximum satisfaction of the end user.

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Via F.lli Rosselli 29
20027, Rescaldina (MI)





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